The Iterator - Iterator of thoughts

Medicated depression, day #239

Today has been intense, went to look at a thing for wife's business in another city, agreed on buying it and we're picking it up at the end of the month .. went to parents place since it was on our way, hung our with my parents and celebrated my mom who turned 84 earlier in the week, helped them out with some things that required physical strength and balance, went home and dropped son off and wife and I continued on to another city where wife is covering for a colleague or hers, they met up tonight to discuss details and touring the business, pretty neat set up and very good customer base. Wife is going to cover for her colleague for about 5 weeks while colleague recovers from surgery.

All while working her own business two days a week, and working three days at the temporary job at the hospital in the next city .. and then also work during the weekend for her colleague .. so wife works 7 days per week now, for a while.

I'll be doing cleaning, clothes, shop groceries and cooking.

Later: Ah, yeah, I forgot a thing out in the car, need to go fetch it before the night, a GoPro Hero6 that my father found somewhere, since he's not familiar with those or digital cameras at large, he gave it to me to try to find it's owner .. so, that is what I'm going to do.

Though, if I can't find the owner .. it's a fine piece of electronics since it appears to be fully working.

#depression #thoughts