The Iterator - Iterator of thoughts

Medicated depression, day #238

I haven't written here in a while, been busy with work and life.

Work-wise, it's been interesting as I've joined a new team that does internal IT for the enterprise, all the companies under the enterprise umbrella. Last week was introduction to systems and documentation, this week I threw myself into the deep end of problem solving, remote offices that had different problems with the office LAN/WAN solutions and enterprise-level AD servers that had problems with name resolving.

In short, I managed to solve about 2 out of 3, as the first was solved by removing routing rule that were faulty in some way, second were solved by adding entries in HOSTS-file on two servers and adding CNAME records to a zone, third was a bust, learned late last night that the testing did not yield a positive result as I had missed or mixed up two concepts while configuring a fail-over scheme for WAN ports, that the interfaces would go down if they lost link, but the stayed up when the link were lost and did not trigger the fail-over ..

I'm pretty happy with the progress any way, as these issues had been in the backlog for a while and team mates had been scratching their heads trying to solve them ..

I work two-ish hours every weekday, some days I get so tired from thinking hard that I need to go sleep for at least an hour before doing anything else .. I'll bring this up with my doctor at next appointment, when we're gonna discuss whether I'll stay on 25% or if I should try 50% or not .. I'm leaning towards 25% as I get very tired from the two-hour workdays, they become very intense since I'm subconsciously are trying to squeeze in more in those two hours than actually fits, time-wise.

But the last couple of days work has improved my self esteem a lot, when I find solutions, implement them and get praise from colleagues and team mates, that feels good.

#depression #thoughts