The Iterator - Iterator of thoughts

Medicated depression, day #229

Wife had ordered new t-shirts for me, got 8 in mixed colors, most bright and clear colors, lime green, yellow, pink, teal-blue, baby-blue, marine-blue, dark purple and gray .. I had a few from before, so now like 14 or 15 in bright colors, a few duplicates like yellow, pink and blue. I really hate t-shirts with lots of prints on them, walking around like an advertisement board with either some company logo or nonsense, no thanks, just plain solid colors for me.

Also same colors available for hoodies, gonna order a few of them as well, as they fit really good and the colors are nice, blue, yellow, pink, green and gray, have not decided yet.

The tooth aches from time to time, but nothing like last week, no this is just small blips, minor, very minor blips of pain, usually when I bite down on something that is wedge down against the temporary filling, nudging that or something. But yeah, I need to call the dentist to arrange for a root canal job.

Tomorrow Friday, I start late as there is team-meeting and then some other meetings and to match my hours with the most important meetings, I'll have to start at 11, I don't mind, it's actually close to my preferred start time .. which would be "noon-ish".

I've noticed that when I've had intense cases at the office, like figure out stuff with lots of dependencies and external parameters, when I get home I need to sleep for a bit as I get very tired from the hard thinking.

I missed out on that today as I waited for son to come home from school, he had swim practice and that entails a bus ride across town, I was there as adult supervision but he managed to get there, get changed and do his practice while I had the third cup of coffee while watching people and listening to music and podcasts.

Tonight is going to be easy to fall asleep, effortless.

#depression #thoughts