Thought iterator

Medicated depression, day #107

Woke up later today, son had left for school, wife and I had breakfast. She left at 09:30 .. I went to rest on the bed, feeling really tired.

Later: Resting on bed, neighbors are playing rap music, I drown it out with audiobook about Buddhism. Listening with eyes closed.

Had a good wank, first in a while, the medication takes away most of such thoughts.

Energy levels are low still, tired, desire to sleep is strong but I need to keep awake as I managed to mess up my sleep rhythm during the weekend. Rest, but not sleep.

Later: Wife called about some situation at the school, our son had been involved in some kicking and fighting.

Son came home and we talked about the situation, he was remorseful and agreed that it was at some degree his fault, we agreed upon to stop playing football tbschool and focus on his football training instead.

We hugged and started making dinner, burgers.

#depression #thoughts