Thought iterator

Medicated depression, day #105

I fell a asleep in the recliner last night and slept the whole night there, not the most comfortable position. The balcony door had been fully open and when I woke up it was slightly chilly and bird song, 05:57.

About to load the coffee maker and jump into the shower to freshen up, road trip to another city to go buy and fetch some thingymajiggerbob wife needs for her business, I'm tagging along as navigator, security, logistical resource (lift capacity) and communicator, husband and friend. Not necessarily in that order.

At the moment everybody else sleeps, as they should, it's way early Saturday morning.

Later: Back home from a five hour roadtrip and I'm tired, so tired.

Later: I slept four hours, woke up at 21 .. hung out with family.

#depression #thoughts